Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Nail

Yesterday Dakota was getting off the futon and got her nail caught in a place on the doggie steps. In the end she pulled and the entire nail came off!!!!!!!
Mommy and Daddy took care of her but there was blood EVERYWHERE!!! It was just awful!!
Daddy fixed those steps so they can't do that to anyone else.
She is hobbling around on it but you can tell it is hurting her. She is on pain meds and mommy and daddy have to keep it cleaned out and bandaged up really good.
Poor baby girl!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Another ACL repair

Another one of the young ones had to have the ACL repaired in her right leg. Mariah went in and had surgery on her leg as well as her eye. They had to do entropian surgery on it. My mommy says she has never seen her eye like she can now. She is recovering now and seems to be doing good. She has to have pain medicine but she is going on walks now.

Monday, May 2, 2011

One nice day

We had one nice day this past weekend!! Just one!! See me out there in the beautiful sunshine?? Saturday was really pretty and mommy worked in her flower beds again. Strangely, there are no flowers there yet. She says she has to go buy them. Maybe next weekend she will do that. She has to go out of town without me for 5 while days in another week. Sure will miss her. Better go get some cuddle time in.
Hugs, Chloe