Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Nail

Yesterday Dakota was getting off the futon and got her nail caught in a place on the doggie steps. In the end she pulled and the entire nail came off!!!!!!!
Mommy and Daddy took care of her but there was blood EVERYWHERE!!! It was just awful!!
Daddy fixed those steps so they can't do that to anyone else.
She is hobbling around on it but you can tell it is hurting her. She is on pain meds and mommy and daddy have to keep it cleaned out and bandaged up really good.
Poor baby girl!!!


  1. Poor Dakota. I hope she feels better soon.

  2. Ouchie!
    That sure hurts!
    I hope Dakota is doing well!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  3. Ouch. Dakota looks in pain. I hope she feels better now. Sad puppy :(
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